Accueil » Gender Equality

79 / 100

Gender Equality

HeadMind Partners’s Gender Equality Index scored 79 points out of a maximum of 100. It is a reflection of the professional equality policy that the Group has pursued since its creation. The index is the sum of the company’s results for each of the following 5 indicators:

  • pay gap between women and men,
  • individual increase rate difference,
  • promotion rate gap,
  • percentage of employees who received a raise in the year they returned from maternity leave,
  • number of employees of the under-represented sex in the top ten earners of employees.

At HeadMind, we place the gender equality at the heart of our HR policy, as it is an accelerator for the group’s performance and success.

Women accounted for 26% of the workforce in 2021. This figure highlights a dearth in the number of female engineers in France. In 2021, women still account for less than a third of those enrolled in engineering schools (source: L’étudiant).

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