Marketing and Customer Relationship

AccueilMarketing and Customer Relationship

Faced with the multiplication of contact channels and interactions, the emergence of new customer needs and the sheer volume of exploitable customer data, Marketing, Sales and Customer Relations Departments need to undergo in-depth transformation to optimize their customers’ experience.

To improve customer satisfaction, and thus build loyalty, companies need to offer multi-channel, personalized customer journeys at the cutting edge of the latest technological innovations (AI).

To achieve this, HeadMind Partners’ experts work with customers on a daily basis, building, steering and managing their digital products and services in order to bring value to the product for the customer and the company at every stage of its lifecycle: building the product vision, steering development, product life, content management.

Our solutions

Audit of existing tools and processes
  • Ergonomics
  • Customer journey
  • Webanalytics
  • Customer satisfaction measurement
  • Marketing campaigns
  • User path design
  • User interface design
  • Construction of wireframes
Conducting scoping exercises for the introduction of new tools
  • CRM
  • DMP
  • Personalization and attribution tools
  • Websites/mobile apps
  • Customer feedback
Redesign/creation of sales paths

Construction of high-impact omnichannel strategies to address the various channels and points of contact with the customer (point of sale, digital, marketing, telesales, etc.).

Innovative new services
  • Chatbot
  • Mobile checkout
  • AI for business services (customer satisfaction analysis, virtual sales assistant, fraud detection, anti-churn, etc.)
Tool implementation
  • CRM
  • Marketing Automation
  • Customer satisfaction measurement
  • DMP…
Managing loyalty & relationship marketing campaigns
  • Customer base segmentation
  • Trigger marketing setup
  • Newsletter creation
  • Personalization

Clients Benefits

  • Expertise Multidisciplinaire : Nos experts HeadMind Partners possèdent une gamme diversifiée de compétences, de l’audit organisationnel à la conduite du changement, assurant une approche complète et intégrée à chaque étape de la transformation
  • Adaptabilité Personnalisée : Notre approche sur mesure garantit que chaque solution est adaptée spécifiquement à vos besoins. Nous faisons du respect des exigences de scope/délai/budget notre priorité, et veillons à l’adoption par les équipes et à la bonne maitrise du portefeuille projets et de la roadmap (PMO)
  • Réactivité aux Changements : Notre suivi assure que votre organisation reste réactive aux changements du marché et des besoins internes, garantissant une transformation durable
  • Optimisation des Ressources : En établissant des Business cases solides, nous vous aidons à allouer vos ressources de manière judicieuse, maximisant le retour sur investissement et minimisant les risques potentiels
  • Mesure de la Performance et Transparence : Nous définissons des indicateurs de performance clés (KPI) pour mesurer l’impact réel de la transformation, offrant une visibilité transparente sur les progrès réalisés


Our “down to earth” methodological know-how is reflected in our skills clusters, made up of experts in UX/UI, Product Management, AI, CRM and Data.


  • Our mastery of the context is forged through numerous assignments within major Customer Experience, Marketing, Digital and Customer Relationship Departments, where our consultants understand the complexity of various business sectors such as retail, luxury goods, industry, banking, insurance and services
  • Certified experts: Agile & Scrum, Figma, Digital Responsibility
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