What will be the digital highlights for 2023 ?

Every new year brings its own predictions. In keeping the tradition, we will look at the digital (marketing) predictions and trends that are most likely to be talked about in 2023.

According to us, this year will be quite interesting and disruptive in terms of the digital ingenuity that companies will need to have. As a matter of fact, the current situation, with its batch of events that are turning the world upside down (economic uncertainty, post-covid situation, the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, climate change, etc.) does not allow companies to remain on status quo.

To keep growing, business leaders will have to sharpen their strategies. Digital transformation and marketing have a main role to play. Here is a snapshot of the hot topics for 2023.

Digital technologies supporting companies’ development

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – technology at the service of our companies

Being able to understand how to put together different AI technologies in order to power marketing, to change business model and to reach new customers, is something businesses need to do. It will enable them to build relevant strategies that will be profitable on the long run; strategies that evolve with the times and today’s world.

AI tools will also enable companies to achieve better results and invest more time in strategic projects because the tool will have succeeded in providing the necessary work for more operational tasks. Tools like ChatGPT will revolutionize the world of tomorrow. 

  • 5G network – potential to be tapped

The arrival of the 5G cannot only benefit for consumers, but also for companies. Indeed, this network counts many advantages over 3/4G networks: minimal latency, very high speed, better cloud computing capabilities for data sharing and transfer, lower power consumption (leading to financial savings – not negligible today). Offering a better connectivity to your employees with home working is also an asset that will enable better performance at work.

Marketing tools companies should implement / must continue to implement

  • Augmented reality (AR) – the user experience consumers are looking for

We have seen a booming in online shopping in the past few years. Consumers expect from brands to be innovative also in offline environment by adding unique value in-store. Companies must encourage physical footfall and online shopping simultaneously. This is where AR comes in.

Augmented reality will enable your company to offer an immersive experience to your customers in store. In terms of marketing, these kinds of experiences will increase your visibility, attract new customers and have a positive impact on either your brand identity and revenues.

It is predicted that, by 2025, a third of the Generation Z will be shopping with AR. 2023 is then the right time to start creating such immersive experiences. This will allow you to be one step ahead when AR hardware will emerge on the market.

  • Contentsquare – simplified and automated access to data

ContentSquare is a digital experience optimization platform for businesses that captures (hidden) visitor behaviour insights, designed to help increase conversions and to drive more successful experiences. It uses artificial intelligence to provide automatic recommendations.

This is one of these user-friendly tools that is easy to implement if the company wants to better analyse its own website and drive better results thanks to with fast and quickly implementable solutions.

  • YouTube Shorts – make a difference in a world where content crazily fizzes off in all possible directions

Have you heard about the concept of “snackable content”? This is the type of content that is straightforward, quickly and easily consumed and perfect for users using all types of mobile devices.

YouTube has well understood this trend. As a matter of fact, it is said that 59% of the Gen Z tend to watch longer videos after having discovered them on short-form video apps. A great opportunity for marketeers to adapt their strategies and ad content.

That’s why they created YouTube Shorts: a fully mobile and vertical experience with more than 30 billion daily views. By adding that type of tailored videos (60 seconds or less) directly to their Google campaigns, advertisers can drive better results. When businesses do so, this results in a 10 to 20% higher conversion rate (per $ invested) compared to campaigns that used landscape assets alone.

This is a fact that no one can deny: the coming years will be rich in terms of digitalization, and 2023 is no exception. It is therefore essential to take an interest in technological advances and to try, as far as possible, to be pioneers in their use in order to stay ahead of the game. At HeadMind Partners, we strive to keep an eye on the coming trends in order to always come up with the right expertise and solutions to support our clients the best possible way.

Constance Buyse