Digital Responsibility

Faced with CSR challenges relating to ethics, respect for the environment and climate change, greater social inclusion, digital assets and their protection, human resources management and legal and systemic risks, the idea of a more responsible digital environment is becoming increasingly important in defining a company’s business plan.

Successful alignment with their CSR strategy requires companies to take a global view of their digital equipment, from the manufacturing process, through its use, to the management of its end-of-life. This approach can be limited by a myopic view of the effects on people and poor data management.

Our HeadMind Partners consultants can help you transform your organisation to become more digitally responsible. Our scope of action is vast: from auditing the environmental footprint of your IT, to promoting your actions through a labelling process, to raising awareness among your employees, and supporting the transformation of your IT and your governance. We are convinced that we can support you in your commitment to eco-responsibility, enabling you to comply with new regulations while having a positive impact on your organisation.

Our solutions


Greenhouse gas emissions, eco-design, digital accessibility, life cycle analysis

Supporting the transformation of IT

Managing reductions in carbon and environmental footprints, deploying best practices, leveraging data to support IT transformation

Make your IT governance more accountable

Changes in governance, responsible purchasing, optimising the lifecycle of equipment, networks and on-site data centres

Support in obtaining the label

Accelerated preliminary approach, best practices, launch and management of projects, “quick-win” actions

Supporting change

Raising awareness, educating and training

Clients Benefits

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  • Solid organisational expertise, with a pool of over 300 consultants from the best schools, equipped with technical and functional know-how, giving us the skills needed to support IT Departments in their eco-responsible transformation
  • A quality framework, with our experts supervised by experienced and certified consultant managers, guaranteeing a high level of delivery quality on every assignment
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